Getting Started

Onboarding made Simple

Copy of STATIC 1These steps will help make it easy to use Aptimyz. Start getting your data ready even before you install the equipment. This way, you can get started with Aptimyz faster and start using it sooner than expected. The sections below will tell you what steps to take before using Aptimyz.


Importing Existing Inventory Files

  •  Adding information to Aptimyz can be done in a range of ways. The easiest solution is to create an import file from your existing system (if possible), converted to the Aptimyz Import CSV formats.
  •   There are two key CSV import files available to assist you with this process.

Inventory Import

Download here

Customer Import.

Download here.

Extra Equipment

Barcode Labels

  1. There are a wide range of label layout options available. Aptimyz also have the facility for you to add alternate label types if you already use a label you prefer.
  2. As stock quantities are entered onto the system, a barcode label for each item of stock can be generated automatically
  3. Standard barcode label templates can be altered by users to fit specific requirements. More
  4. For A4 sheet labels, we recommend a laser jet printer for the labels to ensure the best performance for your scanner.
  5. For single label printing, please use the Clover recommended label printers.
  6. Please see Barcode Label help file for a sample of the current pre-filled label formats available. More

External Keyboards

  1. The Aptimyz POS system has many options to add extra data (Unallocated items, Customer Accounts, Returns reasons, etc).
  2. We recommend purchasing and attaching an external keyboard to the system. This can be wired or wireless as the Clover systems come with extra ports available for external devices.


Data Collection

  • Each of the sections below have their own dedicated help pages. Please navigate to these pages for more detailed help information.
  • The Onboarding process will collect much of this data (See Onboarding Help for more information)
  • Any Setup data that needs to be added, managed or edited can be found in the Setup Help file

Business/Store Details

  1. This section deals with your store address, phone, Tax id, etc
  2. For Multi-store businesses many of the details are the same, but there is an extra step to create the hierarchy of your business. This step can be done after the creation of a single store, should you wish to use Aptimyz in a further store or warehouse at a later date.

Receipt Templates

The system gives the user the option to create a template for each type of POS receipt

  1. Standard Receipt
  2. Gift Receipt
  3. Credit Note
  4. Gift Voucher

Email Templates

  1. The email template gives you the opportunity to send a message out to a customer, with a receipt attached to it.
  2. It also gives businesses the opportunity to create different email templates at different times of the year.


  1. Aptimyz include a very comprehensive Tax system.
  2. Tax rates can be grouped together to create Tax Groups.
  3. These groups can then be summarised in reports, showing the breakdown of sales per group or per tax rate as per the local governmental rules require.
  4. This system can also be used for areas with a more simplified taxation system.

Gift Cards

  1. Aptimyz gives users the opportunity to create pre-filled Gift Card amounts.
  2. In the POS, should your customer require it, any amount Gift Card can be created at the time of the Sale

Inventory Settings

This section gives the user the opportunity to setup various Inventory rules:

  1. Stock Check Mode
  2. Barcode generation type
  3. Standard stock locations
  4. Expiry times for different types of Orders
  5. Unallocated settings


Staff Settings

View the Employees help pages directly


Setup Employee Options

  1. Aptimyz can calculate Employee Commissions, if required.
  2. Commission rules are set in Employee Options
  3. Time logs are also available in Aptimyz and can be set here.


There are 3 standard employee roles:

  1. Employee
  2. Manager
  3. Admin


  1. Most of the functions within Aptimyz can be controlled by permissions at Role level.
  2. Each of the roles listed above can be given different permissions across the system
  3. The Back Office and POS have separate permissions lists

Adding Employees

  1. Employees that are added in Clover automatically transfer to Aptimyz once the Employee screen is opened
  2. Employees can be added to Aptimyz then transferred to Clover
  3. Each Employee is assigned a Role (see above), with the permissions already created within that role.

POS Settings

These options setup the standard operating processes for your POS, including:

  1. Z report email recipients
  2. Age Challenge rules
  3. Discount rules
  4. Till management, Min/Max balance allowable

POS Quick Buttons

  1. Aptimyz has a function where you can add often used products to Quick Buttons on the POS screen
  2. There are 4 pages of 12 buttons each
  3. These buttons are useful for standard products like shipping costs, bags, fast moving items and small, difficult to label, products.

Supplier Information

  • To build your supplier list, collect the following information:
  1. Supplier Name (Mandatory)
  2. Address details
  3. Contact details
  4. Payment Terms
  5. Internal Notes

Brand Information

  1. Brand Name (Mandatory)
  2. Brand Image (if required)

Ecommerce Setup

  1. This section is only relevant if you are connected to an Ecommerce website
  2. Aptimyz automatically links to WooCommerce, BigCommerce and Shopify
    • Aptimyz also links to Magento, but please contact us directly before creating this link.

The following changes are made automatically between both Aptimyz and the Website

   3. Stock quantity changes from Sales in both systems is fully synchronized

   4. Sales orders from website are automatically sent to Aptimyz POS for picking and shipping.

   5. Stock Replenishment quantities are sent to the website

   6. Any stock adjustments in Aptimyz are sent to the website

   7. New products on either system are sent to the other system and are added to the inventory


What’s next?

  • When you are ready, please begin your Onboarding.
  • Click on the link to take you to the Onboarding Help page
  • If required, there are separate Setup pages for each section of the system. Please complete each page if needed. Click on the link to take you to the next setup help file. 

This is the end of the article