Ecommerce Setup

This article will show how to create a link between your Aptimyz account and your Ecommerce store

Important Note

Please ensure that following the creation of a link between your Ecommerce store and Aptimyz, ALL changes to stock quantity, new stock being added and stock being archived is carried out in Aptimyz and not the E-commerce website.

Ecommerce in a Single location business

For single location businesses, please take note of the following before setting up your ecommerce link
  1. You can build your website stock using the inventory files from Aptimyz
  2. If required, you can "build" your Aptimyz stock file from your website using the Aptimyz integration tool, which will synchronize the stock files automatically.

        Note this action from ecommerce to Aptimyz is only available at setup. The inventory                      always operates from Aptimyz TO the ecommerce site after the initial build.

    3.  After the initial link has been made, Aptimyz will be the main stock "Owner", in that all                   products (after the initial load and sync) should be entered via Aptimyz. All future stock                   changes will be passed to your website via an API link.

     4.  All orders from the website will automatically be sent to Aptimyz

     5. Any stock quantity changes, either from orders in either system or via manual replenish or             stock adjustments in Aptimyz, will automatically deduct stock from both systems.

     6. New variations can be added to the Aptimyz stock file and the ecommerce links will add the           new variants to the website (dependent upon the actual website supplier and settings your             website has)

Ecommerce in Multi-location businesses

For multi location businesses, please take note of the following, before setting up your ecommerce link
  1. Only one store can receive the ecommerce orders. In a multi store business, you must designate a single store to receive the online orders.
  2. If you are building your original Aptimyz stock file from an existing website, you must select the store to receive the website stock descriptions, details and quantities. This store will then be loaded with all of the products currently showing on your website.
  3. You can select multiple stores to combine quantities TO the website. If you pre-select the stock quantity stores before the first build, no quantities will come from woo to the stores, as each stock quantity will be in doubt as to which store to stock. Therefore, if you choose to select multiple stores for quantity from woo, before building the stock files, will have to enter the relevant quantities by hand or perform a stock take, in Aptimyz, for each store to correct the stock quantities.

Ecommerce Connections

For individual setups please see the following help articles:

  1. WooCommerce
  2. Shopify V1
  3. Shopify V2
  4. BigCommerce

Adding a product to the website

Synchronising your Inventory files

This is the end of the article