Business/Store Details

This information is usually added during onboarding. If there are any amendments needed, please navigate to Store Details and change the necessary fields

Business Details - from Business Setup

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Setup
  3. Business
  4. Details
  5. Click View alongside the location you wish to amend




        6. Make any amendments necessary and click on Save.

Store Details - from Store Setup

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Setup
  3. Store
  4. Details




a) Store Title
b) Store Nickname - Short Name (15 characters maximum)
This is used to help identify the store in a list of multi-store branches
c) Email Address
Please use the email address of the store owner
d) Phone
e) Tax ID
f) Address line 1
g) Address line 2
h) Town / City
i) County / State / Province
j) Country
k) Postcode / Zip Code

       5. Make any amendments necessary and click Save

This is the end of this article