Inventory Products

This article will explain how to add a simple and complex products, edit a product, add an Ecommerce product to your website, archive or delete a product

Note Please read the instructions on Ecommerce products before building your links to the ecommerce website, or adding new ecommerce products.

In this article

Inventory can also be added in bulk via a .CSV file.

Quick Add - a Simple Product

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Click Add Product
  5. Click Add a new product
  6. Search for/Select the correct Product Group
  7. Fill in mandatory fields (the Items with a * against them - Product Name, Brand, Supplier).
    *for Ecommerce products - please see below
  8. Tax Rate - Standard Tax rate applied to Product
  9. Retail Price - Retail price (excluding or including Tax depending on settings)
  10. Cost Price - Net purchase price per unit excluding Tax

  11. Add Quantity

  12. Save

Quick Add - a Complex Product with variations

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Click Add Product
  5. Click Add a new product
  6. Search for/Select the correct Product Group
  7. Fill in mandatory fields (the Items with a * against them - Product Name, Brand, Supplier).
  8. Tax Rate Standard Tax rate applied to Product
  9. Retail Price Retail price (excluding or including Tax depending on settings)
  10. Cost Price Net purchase price per unit excluding Tax
  11. Variants Add Attribute name (Color, Size, Length, etc)
  12. Variants Add Attribute Value (Red, Blue or S,M,L, etc)

  13. Add Quantity per variant
  14. Save

Edit an Individual Inventory Product

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Search for the product
  5. Click View
  6. Navigate to the correct field
  7. If editing prices confirm “Copy Prices to all Stock Items” or edit each variant price individually
  8. Save

Add a Variable Price Product

  • This type of product can be useful attached to a Quick Button for POS and used for a non-standard price item, e.g. delivery or postage charges.
  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Add the product as above, take care with the following settings:

a) Not allowed to Discount
b) Non Stock Product
c) Variable (this will enable the POS to always ask for a price)
i. Use "Variable" for a product with a standard "Each" price , e.g. Delivery costs that are unknown until the order is complete
ii. Use "Variable per unit" for unit products e.g. miscellaneous length items/ ribbons/string/chain that have the price decided at the till

   5. It would be useful to have these products set up as Quick Buttons, for ease of use in the POS.

Add an Ecommerce product for your website

  • Note If you wish to use different descriptions for attributes (e.g. colors or sizes) online. DO NOT add the product to your online website until you have made the adjustments to the product. See here for detailed instructions)
  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Click Add Product
  5. Click Add a new product or Edit an existing product
  6. On the top of the product page, when you are ready to send the product to your Ecommerce website, please move the "Publish to E-commerce website" button to the "On" position (lit up in green).

    7. Fill in mandatory fields as above (those marked with a * - Product Name, Brand, Supplier).

    8. Tax Rate - Standard Tax rate applied to Product

    9. Retail Price - Retail price (excluding or including Tax depending on settings)

   10. Cost Price - Net purchase price per unit excluding Tax

    11. If required, add alternative price for online only. (If you do not add online prices, the                        system will automatically apply the retail and clearance prices as standard)

    12. Online Price - this field gives you the option to charge a different price online to that instore

    13. Online Sale Price - this field adds a sale price to the website.

     14. Click on the arrow next to Extras

     15. Using the editor feature - fill in a longer description for the website. This can be further                   edited once it is sent to the website.

     16. The following images show the product details that have automatically be sent to the                       website software.

            a) The product is saved in the website as a Draft product
     b) Any description typed into Aptimyz Ecommerce Description is shown in the detailed                       description box.

      c) Variables are reproduced with the name given in Aptimyz

      d) The Website product has the SKU from each variant line in Aptimyz, the Price from the                   online Price field and the stock quantity from each line.

      17. Make any adjustments necessary to the website description and images and publish.

      18. To see the Ecommerce ids in your Aptimyz system, return to Aptimyz Products

      19. Click on the Data Fields button and select Ecommerce Variants

      20. The product screen will then display Ecommerce id numbers for each Ecommerce variant


Archive a Product

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. Search for specific products
  5. Select the triple dot icon
  6. Select Archive
  7. Click the button beside each product to be archived
  8. Click Archive
  9. Confirm

Delete an Individual Inventory Product

         Note: only products that have not been in a sale and have zero stock quantity can be deleted.
  1. On a web browser, log in to your Aptimyz account
  2. Click Inventory
  3. Click Products
  4. The link to a website must first be removed:




a) Go to the Extra section at the base of the Product main page
b) Switch off the Publish to E-Commerce website
c) Save
5. Any stock quantity MUST be zero

   6. Reselect the Product from the product list, click View

   7. Click the 3 dots on the top right of the main Product page

   8. Select Delete

     9. Confirm the delete

     10. If the delete fails (if there is still stock showing in the product or if the product has been                   used in a sale or promotion) then select Archive.

This is the end of this article