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How To Uninstall Aptimyz
The following steps will explain how you can Uninstall or Cancel your Aptimyz account.
How to uninstall or cancel Aptimyz
- Aptimyz cannot uninstall the application or remove any apps for you.
- Removing/uninstalling apps can only be done in the Clover app market by the Owner of the app.
Uninstall Aptimyz
- Via a browser, please login to your Clover back office, using your Clover Admin user.
- Using the left menu, please navigate to More Tools
- Go to My Apps and search for Aptimyz
- Click on the 3 dots next to the app you wish to remove
5. Choose Uninstall app
6. Please ensure your app is also uninstalled from your Clover device
Note - You will be billed a pro-rated amount for the portion of the month that the app was installed. After that, there are no further charges.