How To Uninstall Aptimyz

The following steps will explain how you can Uninstall or Cancel your Aptimyz account.

How to uninstall or cancel Aptimyz

  • Aptimyz cannot uninstall the application or remove any apps for you.
  • Removing/uninstalling apps can only be done in the Clover app market by the Owner of the app.

Uninstall Aptimyz

  1. Via a browser, please login to your Clover back office, using your Clover Admin user.
  2. Using the left menu, please navigate to More Tools
  3. Go to My Apps and search for Aptimyz
  4. Click on the 3 dots next to the app you wish to remove

   5. Choose Uninstall app

   6. Please ensure your app is also uninstalled from your Clover device

Note - You will be billed a pro-rated amount for the portion of the month that the app was installed. After that, there are no further charges.

This is the end of the article