Stock Check - Simplified

This article provides a breakdown of the stock check process

  1. Only one stock check can be status Open/Closed at one time
  2. Stock Checks can be performed via any Mobile device with a browser and a camera
  3. Stock Checks can be monitored via the Back Office
  4. Please remember to Save the stock check often, to ensure no loss of data.

Open Stock Take - via Mobile device

First person

  1. On a mobile device, select an Internet browser
  2. Navigate to
  3. Login to Aptimyz back office and you will be directly inside the stock check process.
  4. Alternatively - from the Main menu, select Inventory / Stock Checks
  5. Type in a suitable Stock Check name and tap Proceed.
This action saves the stock check and it is now ready for others to scan items into the stock check simultaneously.

Next person

  1. On a mobile device, select an Internet browser
  2. Navigate to
  3. Login to Aptimyz back office and you will be directly inside the stock check process.
  4. View the Open Stock check
  5. Scanner
            a) Rapid Scan / Scan - Point at a barcode - the phone will beep, point at another                                   barcode  the phone will beep, etc
           b) Scan Check - Either scan the barcode It shows in blue the number of items you have                         scanned

Scan List

  1. Re-scan Re-scan a barcode to check how many have been scanned so far
  2. Edit quantity - Touch an item and edit quantity manually
  3. Edit Stock Check Screen - Close button completes stock check

Aptimyz back office

Inventory > Stock Checks

Edit the applicable stock check


Shows stock lines that have been counted where the total differs from the system quantities.
Edit – Edit any line that needs changing

Every Scanned Item

Gives a list of all stock check

Items not scanned

Gives a list of all items with a current stock value that haven’t been counted.

Finish and Commit

Changes to Inventory

Overwrites all the stock figures in the Aptimyz inventory.

Takes you to label prints if needed (will only print labels for extra stock quantity)

This is the end of the article