Reports - Sales

This article gives a breakdown of the sales report fields


Data Fields

  1. Summary: Summary of metrics
  2. Admin Centre: Analysis of the different cost centres within a business
  3. Business: Analysis of the various business’ a client has that uses Aptimyz
  4. Brand: The brands associated with the items being sold
  5. Customer: Analysis of metrics on a per customer basis
  6. Date/Time Sold: Combined Date and Time of Transaction
  7. Date: Date of Transaction
  8. Device: Analysis of the terminals across the business
  9. Employee: Analysis of metrics according to users of Aptimyz. i.e. revenue generated by each employee
  10. Item Description: This is a full description of the product and variation e.g. “T-shirt :White, Small
  11. Online Order No.: The transaction number given to an online order by the website, this is then transferred to Aptimyz
  12. Online or In-store: Describes whether a sale is made on-line, in-store or by click and collect
  13. Order Number: The transaction number of the slae or transaction
  14. Price Code: A user defined free text analysis field
  15. Product: The goods and services being sold by the business
  16. Product Group:
  17. Promotions: This is the promotion associated with a specific product or product group
  18. SKU: This is the code associated with a product variation
  19. Store/Outlet: Analysis of metrics by store / outlet
  20. Suppliers: Analysis of suppliers providing products to the business
  21. Supplier Prod No.: The description a supplier provides to a particular product
  22. Tender Type: Describes how a sale was purchased – cash, credit card etc
  23. Time: Time of Transaction
  24. Variants: Depending on the item, they may have a further description or attribute i.e. Small, Medium, Large or Red, Blue, Black, etc

Note: Not all drop down options will be available to all users. The permissions set will determine which drop down options are available, as well as restricting a user to certain data i.e. an employee for a particular store may only be able to access data relevant to that store.


Revenue values are the nett of Sales (of goods and Gift cards) less Returns (of goods) metrics (Revenue inc tax, Revenue ex Tax and Tax on Revenue)

  1. Revenue inc Tax: Sales inc tax less returns inc tax
  2. Sales inc Tax: Income generated from a sale(s) including tax (including income from Gift Card sales)
  3. Sales ex Tax: Income generated from a sale(s) excluding tax
  4. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Cost of item(s) that have been sold
  5. Gross Profit Margin: Difference between Nett Sales and COGS
  6. Gross Profit Margin %: The amount by which Nett Sales exceeds costs in a business. - The formula is Gross Profit Margin divided by Nett Sales.
  7. Tax on Revenue: Sales Tax less Returns tax
  8. Sales Tax: Tax on the sale of goods (Gross Sales less Nett Sales)
  9. Tax as a % of Nett Sales: This is the % of tax that has been applied
  10. Discounted Amount: Discount amount applied to an item(s)
  11. Discounted (%): Percentage of discount(s) applied to goods sold (Nett Sales)
  12. Items Sold: This provides the number of items sold per line of data
  13. Items Returned: This provides the number of items returned per line of data
  14. Returns (%): Number of items returned as a percentage of items sold
  15. Ave. Basket Item: Average number of items sold with every transaction *
  16. Ave. Basket Amount: Average amount of Nett Sales with every transaction
  17. Ave. Basket Amount (incl Tax): Average amount of Gross Sales with every transaction
  18. Number of Baskets: Total number of transactions per line of data.

Note: Not all metrics can be used simultaneously. For example, if a user selects "Product" as a Data Field, then the Basket Metrics will not be displayed.

Date Ranges

There are three date range options in the Aptimyz Report Generator

    1. A Date range: The metrics will provide the totals between two selected dates i.e. a selection of today’s date and the first Saturday of last Month will show all of the Revenue generated in that period
    2. By specific period:

a). A user selects the date to which they wish for the data to be analysed to i.e. today’s date or a date prior to today.
b). A user can select one of the following options to analyse the data including the number of periods they wish to analyse:
          i. Year
          ii. Quarter
          iii. Month
          iv. Week
          v. Day
          vi. Hour
c). A user stipulates the number of periods they would like to analyse i.e. last 4 years, last 52 weeks, last 12 hours etc from the date selected.

Note: Each period is presented as a single column i.e. if 12 hours is selected, there are 12 individual columns plus a total column.

Custom Periods

Comparison Options

Users have the ability to compare the metric to a previous period.

When one selects Comparison, you are presented with two options:
  1. No comparison (the default option)
  2. Previous period comparison - this represents a metric total for a period equal to the dates originally selected based on an option of a previous period. In addition, a user can select up to 5 previous period comparisons for the report to perform i.e. if a user selected ‘Nett Sales’ as the metric and choose the Christmas trading period – 1s t November 2020 to 24t h December 2020, and choose to compare to the previous 3 years, the report would contain one column representing the Nett Sales generated for the period selected, plus a additional 3 columns showing the Nett Sales generated in each of the three previous years for that period
  3. Within the ‘Previous Period Comparison’ option, a user should have the ability to add further analysis including the option to see the difference between each comparison column whether through amounts or percentage i.e. in the above example, if a user also clicks on ‘% difference’, a further 2 columns would be added which would be between each comparison total column showing the % increase / decrease on revenue between each of the periods.

This is the end of the article