POS Z-Report

This article provides an explanation into the layout and fields of a Z-Report

Z report fields




Till/Cash Transactions

A) Sales: Net Physical sales added to till in cash
B) Refunds: Net Physical refunds removed from till in cash
C) Net Cash: (A-B) - Cash Sales figure for the day
D) Cash Withdrawn from Till: Cash lifts (pay cleaner/reduce till total)
E) Cash Added to Till: Change added if needed
F) CASH TO BE BANKED is the Cash balance less Float*: (C-D+E) - Amount sent to bank for         day’s takings

Payments by Type

G) Cash: (C) - Cash sales

H) Card: Card sales– printouts in till

I) Sub Total: (G+H) - Cashflow for the day.

J) Credit Notes Redeemed: Any sales that have been “Paid for” by credit note

K) Gift Cards Redeemed: Any sales that have been paid for by gift card

L) From Account Balance: Any sales paid for by customer deposit accounts

M) From Bank Transfers: Tender type “Bank Transfers”

N) From Loyalty Points: Sales paid for by Loyalty points

O) Online Sales: Tender type “Online Sales”

P) Credit Sales: Tender type “Add invoice to account

Q) Sub Total

Total of all Payments (G+H+J+L+M+N+O+P)

Refunds/Returns by Type

R) Cash: Note of any Cash Refunds made from Till
S) Card: Note of any Credit Card Refunds made from Till
T) Sub Total (R-S)


These are items that will affect your takings for the day but are not included in your daily sales figures

They represent Future liabilities – not included in Sales for the Day

V) Credit Notes Issued: Future liabilities – not included in Sales for the Day

W) Gift Cards Issued: Future liabilities – not included in Sales for the Day

X) Added to account balance: Future liabilities – not included in Sales for the Day

Y) Sub Total

Z) Manually Added Credit Notes

Goods Items: Sales Ledger figures for the day

AA) Sold

AB) Returned

Net: Net Sales (of goods) for the day

NB. As above – Gift Cards/Credit Notes issued and Add to account will not be included in your Sales figures.

This is the end of the article