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Glossary of Terms

Aptimyz Glossary of Terms explained below

Account Balance: The current value of debt owed from (or to) a customer

Accounts - Added: Value of Deposits added to customers' accounts

Accounts - Balance: Balance of Deposits for all customers

Accounts - Redeemed: Value of Deposits redeemed when carrying out a transaction

Active (Product Group): Gives ability to turn off the group

Age Challenge: If a product is required by law to have an age challenge question posed to your customer, please mark this part of the product. The wording of the question is set in the back office settings.

All - Reports: A summary view of all saved report types

All inventory: Full list of all products on the system

Amount paid (per tender type): Value of payment made by a specific tender type

Archive: The act of putting a product in a state where it can not longer be soldProducts or variants of a product which have been moved to archive. They are no longer available to be sold but will appear in reporting.

Archived: Products or variants of a product which have been moved to archive. They are no longer available to be sold but will appear in reporting.

Archived Products: Products that are no longer active to sell

Article No.: A product number given to the product by the supplier (In Fashion - often the Style Number) aka Supplier Product Code

Attributes: A description used to further identify the product. E.g. Size, Colour, Length, Weight, Volume.

Available for Sale Online: Products added to the Ecommerce system

Available Stock: Quantity free for Sale

Ave. Basket Item: Calculates the average number of units sold per transaction per day

Ave. Basket Size: Average quantity of items sold with every transaction

Ave. Basket Amount (Incl Tax): Calculates the average gross sales generated per transaction

Ave. Basket Value (Incl Tax): Average gross sales value of every transaction

Average Basket Profit: Calculates the average profit generated per transaction

Average Basket Value: Average net sales value of every transaction

Average Returns per Basket: Average number of returned items per basket

Brand: Brand name associated with the product

Business: Commercial organisation (usually Head Office)

COGS (ex Tax): Net Cost of item(s) that have been sold

Comments from Credit Notes/Till Withdrawals (Comment field in the table): Reasons for Credit Notes given

Company: This is the customers company name

Contact Name: This is the contact name of the person working for the supplier

Cost Centre: Part of the business that has costs but does not sell products directly to external customers

Cost of Goods Sold: Number of units sold multiplied by the cost per unit

Create Promotion: View Promotions

Created (Label print): This is the date for when the print job was created

Created (Purchase): This is the date and time for when the item was purchased

Credit Account: This shows customers who have been approved with a credit balance against their customer account

Credit Notes: This shows all customers which currently have a credit note which can be redeemed

Credit Notes - Balance: Balance of all Credit Notes

Credit Notes - issued: Value of Credit Notes issued

Credit Notes - Redeemed: Value of Credit Notes Redeemed

Customer: Individual or business that buys products from the business or store

Customer - First Name: First of a customer account associated with a transaction

Customer - Last Name: Surname of a customer account associated with a transaction

Customer Address: The default address linked to a customers account

Customer Company Name: Name of company account associated with a transaction

Customer Phone: The phone number linked to a customers account

Customers Registered During Period: Quantity of customers added to the system

Date/Time: The date and time that the original transaction was made

Deposits: This shows any customers who have a deposit saved against their customer account

Device: Equipment on which the POS is run and transactions occur

Discount %: This is the discount percentage that is given to a customer at the time of purchase in store

Discounted %: Calculation of discount applied as a percentage of gross sales

Discounted Amount: Discount amount applied to an item

Email (Customer): This is the contact email for the customer

Email (Supplier): This is the email of the contact working for the supplier

Employee: Employee login ID used on POS to process the transaction

is_end-date End Date: This is the last day of a date range. The range entered (e.g. Promotions) will stop at the end of the day (23:59:59)

Existing Stock: Total Quantity in all areas

Expiry Date: Date the layaway is no longer valid - stock will return to available.

First Name: This is the customers first name

Gift Vouchers - Balance: Balance of all Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers - Issued: Value of Gift Vouchers Issued

Gift Vouchers - Redeemed: Value of Gift Vouchers Redeemed

Gross Profit Margin: Difference between Net sales and Cost of goods sold

Gross Profit Margin %: Calculation of gross profit margin as a percentage of net sales

Gross Returns: Gross value of items returned

Gross Sales: Income generated from a sale(s) including tax

Inventory (Reports): All saved Inventory reports

Item Description: This is a full description of the stock item e.g. "Denim Jacket XL/Black"

Items Returned: Quantity of items returned

Items Sold: Quantity of items sold

Items Returned Tax: This is the tax amount of any returned items

Items Sold Per Day (Average items sold per day): Quantity of items sold divided by number of days in period selected

Last Name: This is the customers Last name

Last Time Sold: This is the most recent date the product or any variations of the product were sold.

Layaway: This is a stock location for where stock items belonging to the business are moved when they are being held for a customer who is paying by deposit.

Layaway: This shows all customers which currently have an item(s) on layaway (Deposit)

Layaway Date: Date the layaway was created

Layaway Stock: Stock currently held in active layaways

Loan: This shows all customers which currently have an item(s) on loan

Loan (Location): This is a stock location for where stock items belonging to the business are moved when they have been taken out by staff or given to customers on loan.

Loan Stock: Stock currently on loan to customers

Low Stock: Stock where quantity has reached re-order level

Loyalty Points: This shows any customers who currently have loyalty points

Loyalty Points - Balance: Balance of all Loyalty Points

Loyalty Points - Generated: Value of Loyalty points generated by a sale

Loyalty Points - Redeemed: Loyalty Points redeemed when carrying out a transaction

Net Returns: Net value of items returned

Net Sales: Income generated from a sale(s) excluding tax

Nominal Account Code (Product Group): Code used by accounts package to record different types of sales and purchases

Non-stock Item: Products that do not hold a quantity or value in stock, e.g. service charges, shipping, or products that do not reduce in stock value but you need to hold a value against for your own stock records e.g. samples.

Not Allowed for Discount: Products that are never to be discounted, e.g. shipping costs, prescription charges, carrier bags.

Not Available for Sale Online: Products not currently added to the Ecommerce system

Number of Baskets: Total number of Baskets

Number of Baskets (Average): Calculates the average number of sales transactions per day

Number of Refunds Issued: Total number of refunds (baskets)

On Loan: This shows the total value of the item(s) currently on loan to the customer

On Order: Stock on open purchases

Online: This shows whether the product or its variants is available for sale online

Online Order No: Order Number generated from Online ecommerce system

Online or in-store: Describes whether the transaction is made online or in-store

Open Department (now called "Unallocated"): Products that have been created via the POS - still need editing

Order Number: Sales Order Number generated from POS

Out of Stock: Stock with zero quantity

Payment Tender Type: Type of payment made in POS

Payment Type: Describes the method of payment; cash, credit card, account, etc.

Phone (Customer): This is the contact phone number for the customer

Phone (Supplier): This is the contact phone number of the supplier

Points Balance: This shows the value of the loyalty points currently saved against a customers account

Price Code: A user defined analysis code grouping several different products by a unique identifier.

Price Range: This shows the lowest to the highest prices a product has.

Print Labels: Create a print label job

Product: Description of an actual product

Product Group: Collection of similar products, used for analysis

Product Name: Description of an actual product

Promotional Stock: Stock listed within an active promotion

Promotions: A description of a promotion attached to a sale

Purchase Order Number: Purchase order number generated from the Purchasing module

Qty Available (Stk Qty Avail): Total Stock Quantity - Available to sell

Qty Available in Store (Stk Qty Instore): Stock Quantity - Available to sell (Instore only)

Qty Available In Store + Online (Stk Qty Online+Instore): Stock Quantity - Available to sell (Instore and Online)

Qty Stock Total: Total Stock Quantity

Qty Stock Total In Store: Total Stock Quantity - Instore

Qty Stock Total In Store+Online: Total Stock Quantity Instore and Online

Quantity: Number of items on a single order line

Refund Tax Amount: Financial value of refund - tax amount

Refund Value excluding Tax: Financial value of refund - excluding tax

Reorder Level (reorder_point) : Stock level when a purchase requisition is raised

Reorder Quantity (reorder_amount) : Suppliers' standard resupply quantity

Replenish: View only Stock that needs replenishment

Retail Price (Unallocated): This is the price that was entered on the Unallocated screen at the time it was first purchased

Returned - Retail Value (Excl Tax): Financial value of returns excluding tax

Returned - Tax Amount: Financial value of returns - tax amount

Returns: This shows all customers who have returned items historically

Returns - Tax: Tax value of items returned

Returns - Units: Quantity of Products Returned during the period

Returns %: Quantity of items returned as a percentage of items sold

Sales: All saved Sales reports

Sales - Tax (Excl Returns): Tax on the sale of goods less any returns

Sales - Units: Quantity of products sold during the period

Sales Channel: Describes whether sale is made online, in-store or click & collect

Sales Tax Amount: Tax on the sale of goods (Gross sales less Net Sales)

Sell Through Rate: This is the rate calculated on how fast stock is turning over. It takes into account any sales/purchase/adjustments and time.

Set Aside/Layaway: This shows the total value of the item(s) currently on layaway for the customer

SKU: (Stock Keeping Unit) A unique scannable code associated with a specific product or product variant with specific attributes

is_start-date Start Date: This is the first day of a date range. The range entered (e.g. Promotions) will begin at the start of this day (00:00:00)

Status: Current status of layaway: Pending/Paid/Cancelled

Status > Cancelled: Layaway has been cancelled

Status > Paid: Layaway has been paid and completed

Status > Pending: Layaway not not yet been delivered or paid for

Stock Items: This is the number of unique stock variations in the print job

Stock Retail Value - All: Retail value of all stock

Stock Retail Value - Instore: Retail value of in-store only stock

Stock Retail Value - Online: Retail value of Online/Instore stock

Stock Inbound: This represents stock quantities that are on order but not yet in stock.

Store/Outlet: Commercial unit from which products are sold

Summary: Summary of Report

Supplier Product Code: Supplier Product code/Article Number

Suppliers: Individuals or businesses that the business purchases from

Suppliers Name: This is the name of a supplier to the business

Tax - Reports: All saved Tax reports

% Tax %: Calculation of tax as a percentage of net sales

Tax Amount: Tax on the sale of goods (Gross sales less Net Sales)

Tax Description: Description of the tax rate e.g. Standard, GST, Exempt, etc

Tax Group Code: Single letter code to identify the tax applied to a line item on the receipt

Tax Group Description: Description of the tax group that the tax rate is a part of

Tax Rate: Percentage rate of tax applied to the selected line item

Tender Type: Describes the method of payment; cash, credit card, account, etc.

Title (Print Labels): This is the name used to identify a print job

Title (Product Group): Name of the Product Group and the sub-groups

Total Items (Labels): This is the total number of labels to be printed

Total number of Baskets: Total number of sales transactions

Total Price: Total value of the Layaway

Transaction Detail: A description of the type of transaction which occurred. For example, Sale, Return, Credit Note Issued, etc.

Transaction Number: A unique number assigned to identify each transaction

Transactions: All saved Transaction reports

Unallocated: Products that have been created via the POS - still need editing

Unit Count In: Shows the number of all stock that has arrived in-store. Can include purchases, stock transfers, stock adjustments and returns.

Unit Count Out: Shows the quantity of all stock that has left the store. Can include sales, stock transfers and stock adjustments.

User: Employees that have a login to the POS or back office

Variants: This shows if the product has multiple variations or not.

Variations: The actual names of each attribute used to further identify the product e.g. Small or Medium, Blue or Red, etc.

Vouchers: This shows all customers with a redeemable Gift Voucher