LightSpeed Template Import

Experience a seamless transition as we guide you on how to effortlessly import your LightSpeed template directly into Aptimyz. We've simplified the process of changing solutions just for you.


Export your Inventory 

To export your current inventory from Lightspeed: 

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Item Search 
  2. Select Export at the top right. This will create and download your CSV export file.

Prepare your Import 

  1. Navigate to inventory from the menu on the left hand side 
  2. Select Import Tables 
  3. New Import 
  4. Import Products 
  5. Select > Continue 
  6. Drag and Drop or select file to attach 
  7. Continue
  8. From this screen, you will need to associate the Lightspeed columns to Suggested Aptimyz Columns
  9. Find the Table Row Value / Your Columns and select the Import to Aptimyz box for the data to be imported 
  10. Select the relevant column title for the data to be imported to LS2

Below we have listed the Lightspeed columns as they appear and which category they should be imported to Aptimyz as.  

Lightspeed > Aptimyz

Category > Categories


           Lightspeed Category, Subcategory 1, Subcategory 2 should be set out as follows in the excel             sheet under Category: Cat,Food,Dry Food (using a comma with no space)

LS4This can be changed using CONCATENATE within excel 

Vendor > Supplier Name 

Brand > Brand Name 

Qty. > Stock Qty 

Price or MSRP > Retail Price (select the option you wish to be set as the retail price)


Item > Product Name 

Tax > Tax Rate (please note that the Tax Rate should be changed on the sheet from 'Yes/No' to                                    the Tax Group Name set up within Aptimyz)


Publish to eCom > Ecommerce Publish 

Default Cost > Cost Price 

11. Once you are happy with the categories, select Continue 


Editing your Import 

  1. From this screen, you will be able to check and edit your data before importing. Select Edit LS6
  2. Check that the suggested columns have matched with the data selected LS7
  3. If there are any errors that need to be rectified, these will be highlighted in red 
  4. Once you are happy with the table, select Import
  5. Select Proceed 
  6. The status will show as Importing and will run in the background. You can come back to this screen at any time to check the progressLS9
  7. Once the import is complete, you will receive an email to confirm that this was successful