How to use the Weighing Scales

This article will explain the feature of the weighing scales


The weighing scales will be able to identify the weight of each product and price as per your instructions entered into the product details 



Setting up your CAS SW-RS Weighing Scales 

The Weight Scale cable plugs into one of the USB ports on the Mini or Station Duo Hubs. It is plug and play with no configuration required on the Clover device or dashboard.

  1.   Connect the supplied USB cable to the Station Duo or Mini HUB

  2.   Flip over the weight scale and connect the other end of the USB cable to the port on the                   bottom of the Weight Scale, secure using the supplied screwdriver.

  3.   Also connect the power cord to the underside of the scale.

   Scales1    Scales Acc

Scales Plugs        Scales Plug


Using the CAS SW-RS Weighing Scale 

  1. For the scale to generate the cost, the item will need to be added as Per Units. 
  2. Enter the weight unit and retail price. For example, 0.5kg of nuts for 7.00. If 0.25kg is added to the scale, the price of 3.50 will show 



        3. Scan the item 

        4. The item will be identified and the scale instructions will appear 

        5. Place the item on the scale 

Bananas 1.2

        6.   Once the item is on, the total weight and cost will appear 

        7.   Enter Tare Weight - a deduction from the gross weight and its container made in                               allowance for the weight of the container



          8. From here, you can Add to Basket



        9. Scan new item to add to basket or proceed to Pay by Cash or Card