Store Settings - Amend Existing Settings

This article will show you how to amend existing Business and Store settings

Business details




  1. Login to Aptimyz with the owner email address and password
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Business
  4. Select Details
  5. Amend as necessary
  6. Save

Store Details

        Individual Stores also
  1. Business Title (Mandatory field)

  2. Store Nickname (useful for multi-store business to help identify each store in the top bar)



  3. Email (Mandatory field)

  4. Phone (Mandatory field)

  5. Tax ID number

  6. Prices Inclusive/Exclusive of Tax (Mandatory field)

  7. Address lines 1 (Mandatory field)

  8. Address line 2

  9. City (Mandatory field)

  10. State/Province

  11. Country (Mandatory field)

  12. Zip/Postcode

  13. Time Zone

  14. Currency

This is the end of the article